A Few Words From Our Community

Chipo Mathis a woman of virtue. She is charismatic, honest, intelligent, patient, trustworthy, meticulous, selfless, ambitious and most important a woman of God. She is the sister friend you dream of having. Her attitude and disposition drives others to be the best version of themselves. Her warmth embraces your imperfections and her soul pours out endless love. Thank you for being my sister.

Rodney Munemo
Chipo Mathis is an amazing woman, her character just brings the best out of you. She got me to complete a ten mile run one of the proudest moments of my life! Just her words of encouragement and her belief in me kept me pushing. I am honored to have met such a positive, caring, understanding and smart woman and proud to call her my super aunt! Chipo Mathis is my everyday Super Woman!

Where do I start? From the first day I met her, I thought what a friendly lady!? She greets you with a smile that makes you feel welcomed. She's a blessing to so many because of her thoughtful, helpful, and giving ways. She's one of a kind! Shes one of the nicest people I know! She handles challenges (everything for that matter) with such grace and she loves the Lord with all her heart. I thank God for allowing her to come across my path!

David Hazer
"To many, Chipo Mathis has the spirit and heart of a lioness. She is a bonafide warrior full of humility and great discernment. Chipo's ability to see and to hear what cannot be seen or heard by the average person is impeccable. It is a gift. She is a gift...to the world. To know her is to love and appreciate her. You will see for yourself that you are a better person, a better human, a better believer after being in her presence. The uniqueness of royalty at your fingertips. This - this is Chipo Mathis!"

Mother Ida Clark
A genuine example of a W.O.G. (Woman of God) who is passionate and caring. She has a heart for women and goes to great lengths to assist them in any way she can. Chipo is dedicated and faithful to God and the things of God. I have watched her growth and development in the fruit of the Spirit - love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control – and I am very proud to be her Spiritual Mom. Daughter, you are such a blessing in my life and you have a special place in my heart.

Chipo is more than my friend…I met Chipo over a decade ago as a nurse who soon became my colleague and over the years from nurse colleague to my beloved, sister friend. In the Bible in Proverbs 17:17 it says, “a friend loves at all times,” and this verse describes who she is to me. If I could describe our friendship in one word over the years it would be, “precious”. I hold our precious friendship close to my heart and treasure her as my dear sister friend. Chipo is such a down- to-earth woman whom I admire for her strength, courage, generosity, compassion and love for her family and others around her. We have weathered many storms and have celebrated many triumphs together as sisters. I appreciate Chipo’s wisdom and her love for God, the lover of her soul. Chipo has been a trusted confidant, great listener, prayer warrior and encourager throughout our friendship. I believe our friendship is solid because it has been built on our personal relationships with God but also transparency of who we are as women with no room for pretense. Chipo is rare and she is real and whomever she encounters will be glad they have met her. I am so blessed that our lives intersected many years ago and today we have both evolved together as women but more importantly as sisters. Chipo was more than a client...Chipo came to me a few years ago when I first started coaching women and said,” You’re my coach!” Our journey began with healthy boundaries from the very beginning. She did not want me to just be a sister friend whom she was familiar with all these years, she wanted me to be her life coach. I was honored with her trust and confidence in me that I could support her in a transition and difficult season of her life. She showed up authentic, ready, and willing to be guided through every process that I took her through even when it was not comfortable. She never shrunk back and realized “the work” that was needed to achieve results for herself that was necessary to unlock what was in heart. Chipo was coachable and remains coachable as she takes on new levels of her God-given assignments for her life. Even though Chipo is the author of this book she remains an open book and instrument to be used by God in this season of her life. Sis, I honor you as more than a friend and past coaching client but as a gift to the world and to me. Thank you for being a willing vessel and for sharing your gift with us as you grow in your journey to show up unapologetically and authentically to everything that God has called you to be in these present times. Thank you for inviting me into your “village” and you being apart of mines. My sis and auntie to my children, we love you!

Owen Munemo
I have known Chipo Mathis for over thirty years, she is an exceptional sister, friend, mother, nurse and great life support to those around her. She is a prayer warrior and a wonderful mother. There are many times she has given me a lot of support navigating the challenges of being a new immigrant in the USA most of the time without even asking for help.