About Me

In The Palm of His Hands, being fruitful is inevitable, lean in

A woman in black and white dress with her arms raised.
25Years Experience Working

The name Chipo means “A Gift”

Who am I? A loaded question. Looking back on my life journey so far, it brings up different answers depending on the period in my life. Who I am has transformed and ranges from being the scared little girl, the angry little girl, the angry and frustrated teenager, and the independent young adult. At another time I was the advocate for the disenfranchised especially women living with HIV. These titles defined my whole being and personality at those periods of  life. 


Two people standing in a parking lot with bikes.

Looking at myself today and asking the same question reminds me of Jeremiah 1:5. It speaks to God’s providence over my whole being, “I knew you before I  formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born, I set you apart and appointed you…”. This helps me define who I am, first and fore most I am a child of God, a Kingdom ambassador, second, I am so honored and proud to hold the office of mother to a son, the BEST gift that God ever blessed me with. Sad to say, it took me decades to even realize how blessed I am to have this honor of single motherhood to my wonderful son Chaku. I have transitioned from being bitter like Naomi in Scripture to embracing the spirit that Ruth her daughter in law embraced. I am becoming the woman who will be obedient to were the Lord leads even if it does not make sense to me.

My heart is drawn to sitting alongside and working with people in crisis or experiencing trauma be it as an individual, family or community. God opened doors for me so that my career path and all of my life experiences have prepared me for a time as this. My career has taken me on a journey from being a nurse in a rural hospital in Southern Zimbabwe to working at a large University teaching hospital in Washington DC. My nursing experience has included case management for both adult and pediatric populations, as well as clinical documentation integrity and improvement. At the time of writing this, This past May 2021, I graduated with a masters in Human Service Counseling: Crisis and Trauma response. I look forward to were the Lord is leading.

A person holding an open hand with a coffee bean in it.
The seed in His Hands
A person holding something in their hands
Life experiences is the soil
A person holding a plant in their hands
Nourished the seed sprouts
A hand holding a tree with dirt in it.
His grace - fruits of life
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